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Since our founding in May of 2020 right down to today, all of our classes at JazzVoice are recorded so you can engage with our content at your convenience. Check out a favorite teacher, or a topic of interest!

All videos are included free with membership, or just like our classes, are available for purchase for $15. When you purchase a video it stays in your account, so you can watch it again or take breaks.

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Freestyle Chat with Director Alexis Cole, June 27, 2024
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Freestyle Chat with Director Alexis Cole, June 27, 2024

Bogna Kicińska Sunday Vocal Jazz Jam, June 23, 2024

Bogna Kicińska Sunday Vocal Jazz Jam, June 23, 2024

Rosana Eckert Master Class, June 22, 2024
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Rosana Eckert Master Class, June 22, 2024

About Our Video Library

Members can watch videos whenever they want - so they can learn at their own pace. 
Videos cover a range of topics - our library has everything from vocal workshops to jams to lessons on professional development.
Our on-demand videos give you the tools you need to develop your skills from anywhere in the world.


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Access all that JazzVoice has to offer! Come to workshops, watch videos of past classes, and start to learn and grow with our dynamic network of vocalists.
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