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Paul Jost

Finding Your Voice, Your Fingerprint

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Introduction to "Finding Your Voice"  I was recently asked, "What's the one thing you wished you'd learned sooner about yourself?" My answer was, "That I’d trusted myself more." That's because we start off already having the answers. That's the essence of what I hope to share with you...That we begin and end this journey being more alike than different, and it's those common threads we need to vibrate as we explore our own identity. How do we do that? What are the tools? Triad For Creativity 1. Heart
 The Organic Language 2. Knowledge
 Expanding Our Ability To Communicate 3. Technique
 The Tools To Present Our Heart And Knowledge What we'll explore are paths to "Finding Your Voice" (your fingerprint). Topics are  Self Discovery
 Playing Well With Others
 Staying Open To Possibilities  Making A Song Your Own
 Phrasing
 Soloing
 Scatting Made Believable
 Setting Up The Song
 Arranging On The Gig ...and much more.

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